Life at our house has been great. Sydney has been enjoying preschool, dance class and playing with friends. Landen is getting so big and his personality is really starting to come through. Marshall is busy with work, church calling, soccer, etc. I am busy doing the usual mom, wife, home, work stuff. Our house is still up for sale, no real bites on it yet which is ok with me. Marshall and I recently ran our first 5k, he wasn't planning on running it with me but last minute my running buddy backed out. He was super sweet and volunteered to run with me so I didn't have to run alone. My time wasn't amazing, but my goal was to run the whole time and I did! I am doing another one in July called the run or dye that looks way fun!
A few weeks ago I was able to attend Time Out For Women in Spokane. I had an amazing time. I left feeling so uplifted and ready to take on whatever is thrown my way. The speakers were great and it was so good to have some time away with a fun group of ladies. We shopped, went out to eat, stayed up late talking and it was just a much needed break. If you ever have the chance to go to a TOFW conference GO! I already can't wait for next year!
Stay tuned for Landen's 9 month post and one about Sydney too!
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