Sydney is 9 months old!
- She weighs 16 lbs 8 ounces
- This puts her in the 12th percentile
- She is 26 1/4 inches long
- Which is also the 12th percentile
- She crawls all over the place and is into everything
- She is getting really good at pulling herself up on things
- On a couple occassions she has stood by herself for a short time
- She says mama and dada now
- She isn't a fan of riding in the car. At all.
- She gives loves to anything resembling a stuffed animal, it's adorable
- She loves to try rolling and crawling away while Im tying to change her diaper or clothes
- She loves drinking out of our cups and gets mad if we don't share
- She is becoming very shy around strangers
- She knows exactly where her toy basket is and often will crawl to it and tip it over so she can play with all the toys
- She likes to play with other babies, but she isn't very gentle with them
- She makes us laugh on a daily basis
- We love her so much!
And... we can't get enough of her! :)
ReplyDeleteI just love me some Sydney. Love. Her.
ReplyDeleteAww thanks guys =)
ReplyDeletedang, she is getting so big and so cute!! brend says she has teeth... crazy!! :)