Monday, February 8, 2010

Ever since Marshall's parents moved into their new house we have had Misty, the black lab living with us. Now, I'm not going to lie, at first I wasn't too excited about having her live in our brand new back yard to do what she pleases to it. Dont get me wrong its not that I dont like dogs, but it's just even more responsibility having one, responsibility that I didnt really want to have. Feeding, walking, playing with, picking up cow size 'presents' from the grass (and yes they really are cow sized!), etc. But yesterday, I had a bit of a change of heart, and here's why.

It was Sunday afternoon and Marshall suggested that we take Sydney and Misty for walk. So we bundled up Sydney in her stroller, got Misty from the backyard and we were on our way. When we go on these walks we dont normally bring a leash for Misty because she is really good about staying close by. So not too long into our nice calm walk we hear something fast approaching from behind us. We turn around only to find this running straight for us:

And what did good 'ol Misty do? She defended us and more importantly little Sydney laying innocently in her stroller! Now, I know what you all are thinking, "that dog is puny and pathetic and probably couldn't hurt a fly" and ya know you are probaly right. But the point is her first instinct was to protect us and stand close to the stroller so that it couldnt hurt any of us. Misty has grown on me a little. And I dont mind having her so much. However.....ask me again in the spring and summer when I want to take our little girl out on the yard to play but it is nearly impossible because of all the 'landmines' everywhere. =)


  1. 4 blog posts in one month? What the? Haha, kidding..

    Good Mi-tee...what a good dog.

  2. Haha i know crazy huh? This is the most Ive ever blogged! lol yep good ol Mi-tee! haha!
